Website Design and Development Services

We have been developing websites since 1993 from simple information only websites to complex database enabled and ecommerce sites with credit card processing. We can also provide ongoing website management and search engine optimization.

Our primary mission when developing your website is to save your business both time and money, while at the same time improving your business' image and providing existing customers and potential customers with a useful and meaningful site. We construct your business's website based on your input and our experience, and always develop our sites around the employees, customers, or potential customers who will use the site.

If you have an existing website, one of our specialties is cleaning up website page code to improve search engine rankings and cross-browser compatibility.

Please feel free to contact us for a free estimate or with any questions.

Our Website Design Services Include

We design all of the websites we create for both desktop and mobile and make sure they are free of errors using the W3C Markup Validation Service. If your pages have code errors, the search engines may not be able to index your website and there could be problems with cross-browser compatibility. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community that develops and maintains open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web.

We analyze and optimize your website with PageSpeed tools to ensure that they perform well on mobile devices.

All of our sites include the xml sitemap, an html sitemap, and robots.txt files. These files tell the search engines what pages to index on your website. If the search engines are in anyway confused about the navigation of your site, some of your pages may not be indexed harming your search engine rankings.

We also create a cookie and privacy policy page.

  • A cookie policy is at the heart of compliance with most major data privacy legislations in the world while some laws require end-user consent and others opt-out options for visitors, almost all require your website to keep an updated account of all cookies and trackers, and to make this available to end-users visiting your domain.
  • A privacy policy is used because end-users want transparency into and control of how their data is handled when visiting your website.

After your web site is completed, we submit it to the major search engines.

There are a number of considerations for you to make before deciding on creating a new website or upgrading your existing website. Whether you have McGrath Electronics design you website or another company, you should refer to Tips for Creating a Successful Website page.

Please feel free to contact us for a free estimate or with any questions.


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