Installing the Logoff Screen Saver

There are two methods of deploying the Logoff Screen Saver. The method you use is determined by the type of network you have. If you have a stand alone computer or a peer-to-peer network, use the stand alone method. If you have a Windows 2000, Windows 2003, or a Windows 2008 server in a client-server environment, you should use the client-server based method of installation.

Stand Alone Installation:

To install the Logoff Screen Saver on a single computer or a peer-to-peer network you will need to follow this procedure for all of the computers on your network. If you are installing on Windows Vista, you will need to disable UAC before installing. UAC can be re-enabled after installation. Please refer to our support page for more details.

  1. Logon to the computer as an administrator. This step is required. If your operating system is Windows Vista, then you also need to temporarily disable "User Access Control". Please refer to our support page for more information.
  2. Create a directory anywhere you like. For example C:\Logoff Screen Saver.
  3. Set the security for the directory to Read Only for the user group "Users" and Full Control for “Administrators” and "System".
  4. Extract the contents of the download archive to the directory you created.
  5. Right click on logoff32.scr and select “Configure”. This will setup the basic configuration for all users of the computer. See “Configuring the Screen Saver” for complete details.
  6. Logon as each user on each, right click on logoff32.scr, and select install. The Screen Saver Display Properties window should be displayed so you can make any necessary configuration changes.

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Client-Server Installation:

  1. Create a shared folder on your server. Note: If you want to use different settings for different groups create multiple shares.
  2. Set the security for the shared folder to Read Only for the user group "Everyone" and Full Control for “Administrators”. The file level security at minimum should match the share level security; however you may have other groups you want to grant change rights to such as “Server Operators”.
  3. Copy the contents of the archive to each of the shared folders.
  4. In Active Directory Users and Computers right click on the Organizational Unit (OU) that has the group policy for the user group you want to apply the screen saver to and select Properties.
  5. On the Group Policy Tab, highlight the policy you wish to add the screen saver to, then press the Edit button
  6. Under User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Control Panel/Display there are five settings that need to be set.
Hide Screen Saver tab              Enabled
This is done so that users can not alter the behavior you have set for the Logoff Screen Saver
Activate Screen Saver              Enabled
This forces the activation of the screen saver.
Screen Saver Executable Name
Enter the path to the location where you installed the program. This needs to be in the form of \\server name\share name\logoff32.scr.
Password Protect the Screen Saver
This should be set according to your company’s policy. We normally disable this feature on the networks we support since the machine is going to be logged off shortly anyway.
Screen Saver Timeout
This needs to be enabled and set to the number of seconds you wish to wait before displaying the logoff warning.

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Uninstalling the Screen Saver:

To uninstall the Logoff Screen Saver, the simply is delete the folder where you installed the program. When the screen saver was installed, no changes to the registry were made except for the screen saver settings.

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